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Review: Xinjiang Corps continued to optimize the planting structure of cotton and cotton 
Urumqi Beijing, October 21 Xinhua (reporter Qi Yaping) today, Xinjiang in the north and south of the Tianshan Mountains, Xinjiang production and Construction Corps various cotton farms cotton picking, processing and sales of ongoing work. On the 21 day from the Xinjiang Bureau of Statistics said that this year, Xinjiang food area and stable growth of cotton area slightly reduced, through the implementation of the reduction of cotton increased grain "," steady grain and cotton effect continue to appear, continue to optimize the planting structure.
According to statistics, as of September this year, Xinjiang's grain area of 4 million 980 thousand acres, an increase of 2.9%, cotton area of 9 million 150 thousand acres, down 3.1%. Expected total grain production of 2 million 710 thousand tons, an increase of 2.2%, total production of 1 million 460 thousand tons of cotton, with the previous year basically flat.

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